Advanced Operating Systems (Spring 2024) | SNU Systems Software & Architecture Laboratory


   Submit your term paper using the following link by June 19th. Thank you and enjoy your vacation!

(Posted Jun 18, 2024)

   We plan to hold the final exam on Thursday, June 13th, from 3:30pm to 4:45pm. The exam will cover the lecture slides and the following papers from the reading list: H1, I1, FS1, FS2, FS3, S1, MM1, MM2, and VM1.

(Posted Jun 4, 2024)

   Reading assignment #8: ARC: A Self-Tuning, Low Overhead Replacement Cache (due: Before class on May 23)

(Posted May 16, 2024)


The following schedule is tentative and subject to change without notice.

Day Topic Reading
3/5 Course Overview
3/7 Computer systems research
3/12 Introduction to operating systems I1
3/19 Storage H2
3/21 Flash memory
3/26 FS1
3/28 File systems
4/4 LFS FS2
4/9 FTLs
4/11 F2FS FS3
4/16 SSDs
4/18 New SSDs SSD3
4/23 Invited Talk: RFUSE
4/25 Invited Talk: NVMeVirt SSD5
4/26 Project Proposal Due
4/30 Processes and threads
5/2 CPU scheduling
5/7 S1
5/9 Scheduler Activations
5/14 Virtual memory MM1
5/23 Superpages MM1
5/28 ARC MM2
5/30 Linux virtual memory
6/4 Disco VM1
6/6 National holiday
6/11 Virtual machines
6/13 Final Exam
6/18 Mini-Conference
6/19 Term Paper Due

Credit: Some of the slides are borrowed from the authors’ presentations.

Mini Conference

  • When: 12:00pm ~ 1:50pm, June 18, 2023.
  • Where: Lecture room #301-203, Engineering Building I
Time Title Team Name
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:40 Enhancing and Analyzing NVMeVirt Interrupt Functionality 재수강없조 김상준
12:40-12:50 Improving Accelerator-Direct Storage Access Performance with NVMeVirt Multicians Nitu
12:50-13:00 Multi-stream SSD: Implementation and Analysis 밥은먹고다니조 권세준
13:00-13:10 Flexible Data Placement (FDP) Support in NVMeVirt 석사시켜조 김해람
13:10-13:20 Break
13:20-13:30 Visualized SSD Health Monitoring Tool on NVMeVirt 일어나고운체해야조 김현주
13:30-13:40 Performance Analysis of io_uring Modes on NVMeVirt 조조 안병철
13:40-13:50 Emulating SSD Performance Degradation over Time Using NVMeVirt 플래시조 최석현

Reading List

Historical Perspective

Computer Systems Research

File Systems


CPU Scheduling

Virtual Memory

Virtual Machines

OS Design

Course Information

When 15:30 - 16:45 (Tuesday / Thursday)
Where Lecture room #301-203
Instructor Jin-Soo Kim
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SNU
Language Korean
Course Description This course covers advanced operating system concepts as well as a broad spectrum of research topics in computer systems. Quality research papers from SOSP, OSDI, ASPLOS, USENIX ATC, FAST, NSDI, EuroSys, etc. will be used as class materials. Students must be actively involved in reading, presenting, and discussing selected papers to understand the recent trends in operating systems and computer systems research. In addition, students are required to write up a term paper by the end of the semester as a result of their own study on a particular research topic.
References • Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces, Apraci-Dusseau Books, March 2015 (Version 1.00).
• Thomas Anderson and Michael Dahlin, Operating Systems: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Recursive Books, August 2014.
• Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Herbert Bos, Modern Operating Systems, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2015.
Prerequisites • M1522.000800 Undergraduate Systems Programming or equivalent
• 4190.307 Undergraduate Operating Systems or equivalent
• 4190.308 Undergraduate Computer Architecture or equivalent
Grading Paper reading: 20% 30%
Exam: 40% 30%
Term project: 40%
* Grading policy is subject to change
Teaching Assistant TBD