
   We will have the fnal exam as follows:
   • Time: 14:00 - 15:15, December 14th.
   • Location: #301-203
   • Scope: Textbook Chap. 26-28, 30-31, 36-37, 39-42, 44, xv6 book Chap. 1-8 (+ scope of the midterm exam + materials covered by lecture slides and project assignments)
   • Closed-book exam
   • Bring your student ID

(Posted Dec 7, 2023)

   The final project assignment has been announced here. The due date is 11:59PM, December 22 (Friday). In the final grade, the proportion of each project assignment from PA1 to PA5 is 1%, 2%, 7%, 15%, 15%, respectively.

(Posted Dec 5, 2023)

   The third project assignment has been announced here. The due date is 11:59PM, October 31 (Tuesday).

(Posted Oct 18, 2023)

   Please note the following information on the midterm exam:
   • Time: 14:00 - 15:15, October 24th.
   • Location: #301-203
   • Scope: Textbook Chap. 2, 4-8, 13-16, 18-22, xv6 book Chap. 1, 2, 3.1-3.2, 4, 5, 7.1-7.4 (+ materials covered by lecture slides and project assignments)
   • Closed-book exam
   • Bring your student ID

(Posted Oct 18, 2023)

   The second project assignment has been announced here. The due date is 11:59PM, October 8 (Sunday).

(Posted Sep 26, 2023)

   Please note the following course policy: For those who have not taken the prerequisite “System Programming (M1522.000800)” course or equivalent (including those who plan to take it this semester), the course drop request will NOT be accepted. Please consider carefully when you enroll.

(Posted Aug 10, 2023)

   Welcome aboard!

(Posted Jul 21, 2023)